We are here for you
After receiving the dreaded diagnosis of “you have cancer,” it is very important to
not only schedule medical appointments but also to keep them. On the move will
provide gas card(s) to help ensure that patients with limited resources are able to
get back and forth to their scheduled doctor visits, chemotherapy, and radiation
The amounts given will be determined based on the location and distance driven
to the appointment. The recipient will also receive enough to purchase a meal for
both himself and his driver/caregiver for the day.
In the summer of 2015, the entire family planned a trip to Florida to visit relatives
then afterwards the trip was to resume at Disney. Darrington really wanted to
attend but quite honesty finances were an issue and more importantly there was
the question of how he would feel physically as the disease was progressing. Once
he felt better and was sure that he wanted to attend, all family members
contributed and helped purchase his plane ticket and accommodations. Everyone
enjoyed themselves, including Darrington. He even felt good enough to get on
some of the rides with other family members. It was a great vacation, one that
will be cherished forever.
After returning home, things really began to decline with his health. Everyone was
so thankful that he had been able to participate in the trip because that would be
the last family vacation that Darrington would ever be a part of. He passed away
shortly afterwards. Those precious memories and pictures of that last vacation
with him are priceless.
Darrington’s Gift Inc. would like to provide that same opportunity for other
cancer patients. If an individual has a terminal cancer diagnosis with 6 month or
less to live and there is a special destination (within the USA) they would like to
visit, DGI would like to be able to offer them a trip via airplane, bus or train to
their chosen destination.
If their desire is not to travel but to eat at a favorite restaurant, or to own a
particular article of clothing (within reason), or the latest video game, that can be
offered to him/her as well. It’s all about you, the cancer patient. How can we at
Darrington’s Gift Inc. in a small way, be a blessing to you? We want to bring you
cheer and make you smile, if only for a short while.

DGI is all about helping the cancer patient. There were a few struggles on Darrington’s journey and if providing a little assistance to others can make a small difference then DGI would like to assist. Support through DGI is provided through the following sources.